- 1) Any rider racing prior to 2024 will not be allowed to race in the beginner class. Any rider who has ever received an end of year series award in the Missouri State Series is not eligible for the beginner class. The beginner class is an entry level class not an ability level class.
- 2) Missouri State Officials may move riders up based on written or published proof that the rider has competed in a higher class.
- 3) Missouri State officials will not move someone up just because they are fast. You must have proof that a rider rode in a higher class.
- 4) AMA Rules apply unless otherwise noted.
- 5) All classes are modified classes.
- 6) "Big Wheels" race in Supermini, 125 Amateur, and/or Schoolboy class only.
- 7) You must ride the same bike in the second moto as you rode in the first moto of that class.
- 8) A rider must be on the starting line and complete one lap under their own power in at least one moto before being scored for the day. They must cross the finish line.
- 9) Missouri State officials are not responsible for locating riders before their event.
- 10) If a rider leaves the course for ANY reason, they must reenter the track at the safest possible point nearest their point of exit. But not at a point where they improve their position. Race officials will determine cutting the course going around a jump or obstacle. This infraction will be judged on a case by case basis.
- 11) If a moto must be stopped because of a rider or riders obstructing the progress and safety of the moto that rider or riders will not be allowed to restart the moto unless allowed by the race official.
- 12) There will be NO restarts unless in the opinion of the race official that continuing the race will endanger the riders.
- 13) A malfunction of the starting gate will be the race official’s decision.
- 14) If for any reason the race must be stopped it will be considered complete if the leading rider has completed over 50% of the laps.
(Example: 3 laps completed in a 5-lap race) - 15) Lapped riders must move over or be black flagged.
- 16) If it becomes necessary to run qualifiers the trackside program will randomly divide the classes into heats and LCQ’S
- 17) DNS means Did Not Start. A rider not coming to the line and completing one full lap will receive a DNS. They receive last place points plus 10 DNS points. If they start the second moto and complete 1 lap, they will receive points for their second moto finish plus the points from the first moto.
- 18) DNF means DID NOT FINISH. Riders will receive a DNF if they do not take the checkered flag. A rider who DNF’S will receive 5 DNF points in addition to last place points, A rider may push his bike across the finish line. If the finish line is at the top of a large jump, bikes and riders can go around the jump and signal the score keepers.
- 19) A rider’s best 6 races will count for series points. You must ride 6 races to receive series awards.
- 20) In all youth classes a rider’s age as of January 1, 2025 determines which age group you ride. You must ride in your age group. No 11-year-old will be allowed in the 85cc 12-15 class. Vet class ages will be determined by a riders age on the day of the event.
- 21) Yellow flag situation: NO Passing, NO Double jumping, and NO Tripling in the yellow flag area. NO improving of position. Penalty is a minimum of one finishing position per infraction. Maximum penalty is Disqualification. This will be a decision of the race official.
- 22) The white flag is a courtesy flag. It is not necessary to display the white flag at the beginning of the final lap.
- 23) If during riders meeting it is stated that moto’s will be 5 laps and for some reason the race is not stopped until 6 or more laps are completed. The race will be considered over at the end of the 5th lap. Scorekeepers lap sheets will determine moto finish
- 24) 50cc classes only: A parent may push their rider across the finish line if their bike quits or breaks in the last turn before the finish line. They may NOT push from 1/2 a lap away only if the bike quits in the last turn.
- 25) No Senior 50 bikes are allowed in the 4-6 age class. Senior bikes are allowed in the 50 cc 7-8 and 50cc open classes.
- 26) Any verbal harassment or physical abuse of Missouri State officials will be grounds for permanent disqualification.
- 27) No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances will be allowed on the track or pit area. Riders should not use any of the above-mentioned substances before or during an event if they remain in competition. Any rider that is impaired will not be allowed to compete.
- 28) A rider is responsible for the actions of their Pit Crew. Infractions by riders Pit crew or associated spectators will be grounds for penalties against that rider.
- 29) Amateur riders competing in an age class that pays money may have a shop sponsor paid in lieu of jeopardizing amateur status. Payment will be made by the Missouri State Motocross Series directly to the sponsor in the name of the amateur rider.
- 30) Ties in series points will be broken by the rider’s overall finish at the final race of the season.
- 31) Riders are not allowed to ride bikes in larger displacement classes.
(Example NO 65's in the 85 classes)